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Highlights of the Night Sky in May

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Here are some of the things to see in May:

  • 9 PM, western sky – Venus and Mercury over the horizon after sunset in early May; Venus stays visible throughout the month
  • 9 PM, southwestern sky – Jupiter rises high over the horizon
  • 11 PM, southeastern sky – Saturn over the horizon in the late evening, visible throughout the night
  • 10 PM, southern sky – Virgo constellation prominent in the southern sky in the late evening, with the bright star Spica and a number of interesting deep sky objects to observe, including the Virgo Cluster of galaxies and the famous Sombrero Galaxy (M104) in the southern part of the constellation
  • 10 PM, southern sky – Coma Berenices constellation with the spiral galaxy Messier 64, better known as the Black Eye Galaxy
  • 10 PM, southeastern sky – Canes Venatici constellation with the bright star Cor Caroli and face-on spiral galaxy Messier 51 (Whirlpool Galaxy)
  • 3 AM, eastern sky – the annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower, peaking on May 5 with up to 10 meteors per hour visible after midnight

Related: May constellations